Codes of conduct enMedewerkers Gedragscode
Supplier Code of Conduct Glaspoort B.V.
Glaspoort is committed to acting with integrity. We therefore expect our business partners to act in accordance to this Supplier Code of Conduct.
1. Legislation
Supplier will comply with all relevant international legislation and the national legislation of the countries in which they operate.
2. Human Rights
Supplier will support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO), will operate in the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations and ensure no involvement in human rights abuses. This includes, but is not limited to, the subjects of article 3.
3. Labour
Supplier will not indulge in acts of:
3.1 Discrimination
Supplier shall treat every employee equally and according to their abilities and performance. The same opportunities shall be granted regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion and belief, political opinion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender. Supplier is encouraged to promote diversity and inclusion.
3.2 Child labour
We do not tolerate child labour or any form of exploitation of (young) employees. “Child labour” means the definition of ILO-IPEC and of Article 32 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
3.3 Forced labour
Supplier shall strictly prohibit any form of forced, bonded, compulsory labour, slavery or human trafficking. Employees shall be free to leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable notice and all employment shall be voluntary.
3.4 Working hours
Supplier shall ensure that working hours, including overtime comply with ILO standard. Suppliers shall grant their employees the right to paid vacation at least according to the ILO standard.
3.5 Disciplinary practices
Supplier shall treat all employees with respect and dignity. Physical or verbal abuse or other harassment and any threats or other forms of intimidation are prohibited.
3.6 Freedom of association & Right to Collective Bargaining
Supplier shall seek to implement internationally recognized standards as set by ILO Conventions. Supplier ensures that all employees and representatives including temporary (agency) workers shall have the right to form, join, and organize trade unions of their choice and to bargain collectively on their behalf with the company and that their doing so will not result in any negative consequences to them, or retaliation, from the company.
3.7 Fair remuneration
Supplier shall pay a fair and reasonable living wage to employees high enough to maintain a fair standard of living and which shall meet basic needs (ILO C131 – Minimum Wage Fixing Convention). Supplier shall not use deductions from wages as disciplinary measure. Supplier ensures equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value. Supplier ensures the payment of wages in legal tender, at regular intervals.
3.8 Health and safety
Supplier shall operate in accordance with international standards and local laws. Supplier shall provide its employees, contractors, partners or others who may be affected by supplier’s activities with a safe and healthy working environment and ensure correct use of its products. Supplier is encouraged to implement a Health & Safety Management System based on international standards such as OHSAS 18001, ISO450001 or similar. Supplier shall prevent and minimize potential accidents.
4. Environment
Glaspoort has ambitious goals on sustainability and stimulates suppliers to contribute to these goals. Supplier shall comply and shall enable Glaspoort to comply with all international, national, and local environmental laws and regulations that are applicable to their business operations. Supplier ensures all necessary permits, approvals and registrations. Supplier shall implement an Environmental Management System based on international standards such as ISO 14001 or EMAS. To reduce the environmental footprint, Supplier shall undertake continuous efforts to optimize their business, products and production processes in accordance with circular economy principles:
> Design for environment and reduce the use of virgin raw materials;
> Extend and optimize product use;
> Increase re-use and recycling and minimize incineration and landfill of waste;
> Energy efficiency.
> Protect biodiversity and sensitive habitats.
4.1 Reduce / Design for Environment
Supplier innovates in products and/or services that offer environmental and social benefits by:
> Reducing the use of (virgin) raw materials and resources;
> Using non-virgin/renewable content where possible;
> Avoiding use of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) as defined by the European Union as much as possible;
> Designing for disassembly and repair to facilitate re-use and recycling;
> Using materials that can be easily recycled.
4.2 Extend and optimize product use
Supplier shall design products and offer services that enhance longevity of product life cycles and efficient use of resources.
4.3 Increase re-use and recycling and minimize waste
Supplier shall reduce and treat the waste produced by all activities to reduce their environmental footprint. Supplier shall identify, monitor and treat liquid waste and solid waste and air pollutants generated from operations, industrial processes and sanitation facilities before discharge or disposal. Supplier and its subcontractors will support Glaspoort in reaching its objectives for reuse and recycling (in relation to suppliers’ products and services).
4.4 Product content
Supplier shall respect all applicable laws and regulations regarding prohibition or restriction of specific substances. Hazardous chemicals and other materials in products, especially those included in the substances of Very High Concern list of the REACH regulation, are to be identified and managed to ensure their safe use, recycling or re-use and disposal. Their use has to be avoided and if impossible minimized. Supplier shall have a clear policy and procedure in place to avoid purchasing conflict minerals or unsustainable mined minerals at high environmental and social costs. Supplier shall undertake reasonable due diligence within their supply chains to assure that the conflict minerals are being sourced from responsible and conflict-free sources.
4.5 Energy consumption and GHG emissions
Supplier shall develop products or services that are energy efficient and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions during the entire life cycle and value chain. Supplier should identify, monitor and minimize GHG emissions and energy consumption from its own operations including GHG emissions from transportation and travel. Supplier shall do this by making a self-declaration of supplier’s annual energy consumption and GHG emissions that should be made publicly available. In this way we can stimulate standardized reporting which can be used in our scope three calculations. To proactively manage GHG emissions, supplier is expected to:
a) Have emission reduction targets;
b) Measure and provide emission metrics for GHG emissions;
c) Take actions to reduce GHG emissions, e.g. by using renewable energy;
d) Report GHG emission metrics annually and publicly;
e) Have a process to engage its sub-suppliers to drive GHG emission reduction within supplier’s
operations and that of their sub-suppliers.
5. Ethical Conduct
To maintain high ethical conduct and operate responsibly, suppliers shall observe the following requirements:
5.1 Fair business practice & ethics
Supplier shall uphold the highest standards of fair business, advertising and competition. This requires that goods and services offered must be free from anti-competitive practices such as price-fixing with competitors. Supplier shall endorse and observe the internationally accepted standards of business integrity. Supplier will not provide Glaspoort personnel with any form of compensation, reward, gift or other benefit, which may influence Glaspoort’s personnel objective decision making.
5.2 Anti-corruption & Bribery
Supplier will refrain and will not tolerate, permit or engage in any form of unethical conduct, such as corruption, fraud, extortion and bribery. Instead, supplier will be committed to prevent corruption in all forms this may occur.
5.3 Intellectual property
The supplier must respect intellectual property rights.
6. Data and Privacy
We require our business partners to ensure the sufficient protection of received data from Glaspoort in order to fulfil their contracts, rights to personal privacy of its employees and their personal data. Supplier will treat this data in accordance to EU General Data Protection Regulation, as well as any applicable national data protection and telecommunications legislation, to prevent, amongst others:
> Loss of private customer data
> Unauthorized access to employee records
> IPR and or identity theft
> Unprotected personal financial data
7. Other
> Glaspoort may reconsider its relationship with a supplier that does not comply with this code.
> Supplier who cannot (fully) comply with this code will inform Glaspoort on his non-compliance and indicate when he will comply.
> Upon request, supplier will deliver, within a reasonable time frame, relevant information to Glaspoort regarding the compliance with this code. Supplier acknowledges that Glaspoort may request further information (e.g. self-assessments / EcoVadis assessment).
> Supplier will inform his employees and subcontractors of his compliance with this Code and will strive to have subcontractors accept the relevant terms of this Code as well.
> Glaspoort will monitor compliance with this code with questionnaires and may audit supplier and its subcontractors. Supplier and subcontractors will improve its compliance based on the audit outcome.
> Glaspoort and supplier will evaluate this code and seek actively for ways to improve it, both on its content and in expanding compliancy to second and third tier suppliers.
> At request of Glaspoort, supplier shall produce an annual sustainability report (CSR report).
> If supplier suspects or has established any non-compliance to this Code, it shall report this immediately to Glaspoort. A report can be made via the contact person of Glaspoort, directly to the
Compliance Officer via or via de website of Glaspoort, please see:
1. Kernwaarden Glaspoort
VRIJHEID Bij Glaspoort heb je de vrijheid om zelf te bepalen hoe en wanneer je je werk doet; het resultaat staat voorop!
VERANTWOORDELIJKHEID De verantwoordelijkheid die we nemen om de Glaspoort doelen te bereiken en een betrouwbare collega en partner te zijn.
TEAM We werken samen en kunnen op elkaar bouwen en vertrouwen.
TRANSPARANTIE We zijn transparant over wat we doen, hoe we dat doen en waarom; wij hanteren deze waarde zowel binnen als buiten onze organisatie.
NIEUWSGIERIG We zijn bij Glaspoort steeds op zoek naar nieuwe manieren, kijken naar buiten en stellen vragen om het iedere dag beter te doen.
SLIM We werken op een creatieve manier en anders. Denken "out of the box" en leren van gisteren om het beter te doen.
- We weten wat te doen in geval van brand, ongeval, ontruimingsalarm of een bommelding;
- We op de hoogte zijn van de noodnummers, veiligheidsinstructies en vluchtroutes van de gebouwen waarin we regelmatig werken;
- We de Glaspoort security policy kenen en ons daaraan houden; en
- We altijd de instructies van de (bedrijfs)hulpverleners opvolgen.
- het maken van seksueel getinte, agressieve en/of gewelddadige opmerkingen en/of opmerkingen over het uiterlijk, de seksuele geaardheid, ras, geloof of landsaard; en
- gedragingen waarvan anderszins bekend is of redelijkerwijs verwacht mag worden dat de persoon tot wie ze gericht zijn, deze als ongewenst ervaart. Pesten en handtastelijkheden worden hier uitdrukkelijk onder begrepen.
- Deze kunnen leiden tot concurrentie en/of belangenverstrengeling;
- Deze een belasting veroorzaken waardoor de werkweek van de medewerker, inclusief
- De nevenactiviteit regelmatig meer dan 1,1 FTE bedraagt; en/of er contacten worden onderhouden met zakelijke relaties van Glaspoort.
- Anders dan voor Glaspoort werkzaamheden te verrichten voor stakeholders van Glaspoort;
- Binnen Glaspoort werkzaamheden te verrichten die een privébelang raken;
- Hun positie bij Glaspoort te gebruiken ten behoeve van gewin in de (zakelijke) privésfeer (bijvoorbeeld korting bedingen onder het noemen van de naam van Glaspoort), en relatiegeschenken, cadeaus, giften, gunsten of amusement aan te nemen, anders dan branded goods (kalenders, pennen etc. met naam van het betreffende bedrijf), zonder dit te melden aan de leidinggevende. Zaken (inclusief eindejaarsgeschenken) met een hoge waarde dienen te worden geweigerd danwel retour gegeven.